Easter Day Massacre
Easter Morning
The events that happened Easter Morning were totally avoidable if my neighbor didn’t aggress and charge me from behind with two dogs on retractable leashes fully extended.
Updates: 5/1 I filled a Police report reviewing the Easter event on location, what exactly happened … from the beginning, the whole story, nothing but the truth … Today (5/2) I had to file another report regarding Pajama Man and his boyfriend. I was pulling out of my parking and stopped at the stop sign, there they were … they walked in front of me, then they looked inside and realized it was me. I turned right. They made a U turn and began following me trying to egg me on into another fight. I filled a Police report. The officer that showed up Monday at the office when they first tried to start a fight took my report over the phone. What a hostile place to Live.
The Attorney’s Letter
Email Sent to Landlord: Carolyn 4/23
After the Sunday 4/21 and Monday 4/22 Event in which the management gave me a letter to get Simon off property with in 7 and to pay vet bills for the Boxer …. I spoke to her in person begging her to listen to the whole truth … not just the side Pajama Man presented … She said she would do a full investigation and let me know.
The Easter Morning Event:
I was standing stationary (important fact #1) Simon was in front of me. On his leash. The aggressor came from behind me, (important fact #2) The came from between two parked cars. At 6’1” you can’t miss me. (important fact #3) which leads me to suspect not careless but intentional maliciousness.
I heard Simon Bark once, then a series of short warning barks, as well as other barking, suddenly right behind me. Simon defended me against the attackers and charged behind me. I still had the leash, but because this attack came from behind, I fell backwards, hard on my tail bone and flatten me on the ground. I still had the leash when the first attack happened. My right arm was behind me while I was on the ground, I held on to the leash as long as I could. During the first attack I was dragged on the ground. Previously both of my shoulders have been injured and dislocated. I felt my shoulder about to pop out of socket, the pain was immense, durning the first attack, the leash was pulled out of my grasp, and I crawled with vigor scrambling on my hand and knees to get control or the leash. I did not loose control of the leash until after the first attack. (important fact)
What the aggressor is calling the first attack, is actually the second fight. He is omitting the first attack because …. ????
You are smart, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. He is omitting it because it makes him responsible for the entire
event ever happening in the first place. (important fact) Another fact omitted is that the aggressor had no control over his
two dogs, the chiwawwa got away off his leash.
Simon continued to defend himself and me, after the first attack, in-between two cars. I got back on my feet but I through
myself down into the pavement to try and get Simon’s leash, the aggressor ran with the Boxer around the corner, and
Simon continued around the corner of the parked cars. I jetted myself up and followed.It took only a few seconds for me
to bolt into action, but by the time I was there Simon and the Boxer were tangled in the aggressor’s leash. I released Simon’s
foot which was tangled in the aggressor’s leash, got him by his chock collar and retreated back a few cars.
Immediately, I asked if he and his dog was OK. repeatedly I asked and he answered “YES” we are OK. Numerous times.
his Boxer was tangled in his YoYo leash about 12 feet of leash. (important fact) I can’t say how far the leash was extended
in the first attack, but the retractable leash has probably twenty feet + of extension. (important fact) Simon was on a Standard
leash with a piked choke collar. I immediately said I was Sorry his dog got hurt and that I was glad he was OK.
I tried to retreat back to my apartment but the owner charged aggressively towards both Simon and myself, in which I got behind
the tree by the dumpster, since he was trying to provoke another event. He shouted threats towards me. I told him “I’m sorry
for what happened … but at no time did I say it was my fault. In FACT I did say in the shouting verbal exchange ….
“This all could have been avoid if your partner didn’t sneak up behind me and let your dogs charge at mine.”
He wouldn’t listen and I felt continuing any discussion on a civil matter was gone.
He said he wasn’t going to report it, that also was a lie.
The Monday Morning Event –
1. I came by the Office for a free cup of Joe, and there was the aggressor filing a complaint against me. On his exit he shouted
and pointed his finger …. aggressive and hostile. I said “Stay away from me” Nobody in the office said anything about his
aggressive actions. I was informed that Animal Control had been called and I responded in kind. I get on the phone and
filled an Aggressive Dog complaint against the aggressor’s dog’s. Attacking me from behind is as aggressive as it gets.
2. While on the Phone with Animal Control they requested I identify the apt., I walked over to his building and tried to guess
which apt. While still on the Phone the aggressor’s “partner” was exiting and it confirmed the apt number which I gave to
Animal Control. I proceeded to head to the Office in which the aggressor’s “partner” followed screaming threats and violence.
I am trained to avoid a fight even if it means walking away, which I was doing, but the aggressor’s “partner” continued to
follow me and shout F this and F that, you’re a fucking coward … aggressor’s “partner” was clearly trying to corner me into
a fight. I retreated into your Office in which he follow and started shouting at me. Nobody intervened. I was left to verbally
defend myself. In which I was threatened by you that you were going to call the Police. What you didn’t know, at that moment,
I was under attack and Animal Control patched me through to the Police. One was on the way, and at that moment the
Officer walked through the door. I filled my report and went home only to get the notification from you that Simon has to go,
and I have to pay for the Vet bills. We had another meeting in which most of this content was expressed. You left it,
In your notice you demanded I get rid of Simon, and pay for the Boxer’s vet bill.
The injuries are not limited to one Boxer, that attacked me from behind, but also to Simon and Myself. Nobody cares about
this old man and his dog, only the poor boxer. My knee is injured, my back is injured, my neck is injured … I need
to go to the emergency room, I think I may have fractured my wrist from the fall after being attacked from behind.
I cannot afford it. Are you going to hold them liable for my injuries???? I need X-rays to confirm my arm is or is not fractured,
my back is killing me, I need to see a chiropractor, are you going to hold them liable for these expenses, lost wages,
pain and suffering??? Don’t blame Simon for winning the fight, he didn’t start it.
Simon has digestive problems around new years and the 4th of July. When he gets upset his stomach twists in knots,
Simon is not eating caused by this drama to him, are they going to pay for his emergency vet bill. If he doesn’t eat today,
tomorrow I’ll have to take him into an emergency hospital.
The fact that Simon & I, while standing stationary was attacked from behind, makes the term “Attacked” redundant,
defending yourself does not make you the attacker. One attack and the fight continued.
The fact that they both have been warned to stay back, to give me space. One can only deduct the action to sneak up
behind me was either very, very careless or of intentional malicious intent.
You tried to divert me from the repeating “Skateboarder Dude” story as you thought it had no relationship to the circumstances,
and then you went down several roads to build an assumption based on unrelated issues. I will address each one.
First, The Skateboarder Incident. It all started when his at that time girlfriend came up behind Simon and I in the middle of the night,
she apologized but told her boyfriend something else. He proceeded to harass me and my dog. Continually. You did nothing.
The last event in this story, he came charging at both of us on his skateboard, took a flying dismount, shouting and waving his hands
to tease me and my dog. It relates to this current incident … what if Simon bit The Skateboarder Dude, would it be his fault?
Second, I have told you the stats regarding Simon being attacked by dogs off of a leash, some no leash at all. Out of
the dozen + attacks, he has ended the attack with one bite. The only exception is the last attack where a PitBull,
no leash at all charged us. A neighbor distracted the dog, and Simon and I ran home for safety.
This is the environment Simon knows, what it means to live at The Place at Castle Hills. It is hostile & aggreasive.
Don’t you dare blame Simon.
Your First Segway – The complaint about me running off someone in the pool with a dog. This incident, Pool Rules,
violation is more than a violation, I can’t leave my apartment when there is a dog in the pool, without upsetting my dog.
They not only had a dog at the pool but no leash or control of their dog. The dog owners “friend” thought it a good idea
to be a smart mouth with me. What you don’t know about this story is I started very polite, she popped off, then I spoke
make a point, which was “There are a bunch of dog owners that live right here, and here, over there, that would love
to take our dogs to the Pool, the reason we don’t is because its the POOL RULES right there in black and white, are
you stupid and can’t read, or just arrogant and you think the rules don’t apply to you. At that time several neighbors
opened their door and started to remind them …. they shouted several comments at them. I was not alone. We realize
you don’t have the time or staff to enforce public safety issues. This is only one incident that complained, the other
half a dozen or so pool incidences went unreported. The nonresident kids I ran off for throwing rocks and furniture
in the pool. I warned management in March that summer was starting and to please Police the pools. Nobody is
available to handle this, no budget no staff no time … It is out of control and nothing gets done about it. Nobody Cares,
except for the residents that live by the pool. Sad.
Note: I have given up. I have adopted a new I don’t care attitude. in sync with management. When we spoke yesterday,
there was a lady with a pug, at the pool, no leash, I said nothing to her or to you. The lack of action, has exhausted me.
The comments my neighbor’s made was WE shouldn’t have to do managements job, they don’t have the staff.
Do not isolate me as the only one who has a problem with the lack of safety and security of TPACH.
Your Second Segway
Common Sense dictates you give people respect and the space they need. Common decency. For example I was walking
Simon last night … on the patch of grass outside the gates by the bus stop on Larkspur. I was about done, when a lady
came in our direction, I could not see her dog below the cars, but by her gate, she looked like she was walking a dog.
Immediately I’m developing a plan to keep from getting too close to her … but then she saw Simon, she immediately
stopped, then she started to go the other direction … I shouted “we’re done, I’ll go this way and you can cut between
the cars over there, OK. Like a well played plan we negotiated the shared turf without any, zero, barking. I was so glad.
On our way, I shouted thank you that was so polite. It means a lot to me. Yes numerous times when somebody has
charged at me, with or without a dog, I ask for them to give me space. It’s common sense and common decency.
I shouldn’t have to ask. Some people are stupid, and some just don’t care … and some just want to provoke.
Don’t blame me or Simon for the bad behavior of others.
Last but certainly the least of you concerns, is my well being. This aggression happened to both Simon & I. A long term
resident … While you finally got the fact that Simon has been charged by over a dozen dogs, you did not assimilate the
information to be inclusive. I also have been attacked by said dogs, Simon stood in front and defended me each time.
Don’t think for a moment this is not dramatic for both of us. Simon was raised here, and certainly is not to blame.
“SET ANY MAX RANGE FROM 0 TO 15 FEET: On a crowded sidewalk? Maybe try a max of 2 feet. On a more open trail? Try 7 or 8 feet. In a wide-open park? Let your dog enjoy the full 15-foot range. Dial-A-Distance can always be the perfect safe length for where you are now. Also includes a standard manual thumb brake for when you want to stop your dog short of the maximum range.”
Carolyn, (the Apartment Manager) emailed 4/23
Due to the carelessness or intentional maliciousness of the Pajama Man, the impact on me and my dog continue. In our previous conversation, the assumption I made that Simon was not eating because of his digestive tract being under stress, knots … potential life threatening …. I have discovered that after a full body inspection of Simon, something is very wrong with his jaw and throat. He yelps when I touch him on his lower jaw and throat.
I don’t know how bad it is, I’m going to give him some time to get better and start eating. If he doesn’t eat dinner and then breakfast tomorrow, I will have to take him to the emergency vet. All I have right now is hope and a prayer.
BTW #1 … The chiwawa got loose within seconds or less or before Simon getting loose. If you think this chiwawa wasn’t aggressive because of his size, you would be wrong. It would be another bad assumption.
BTW #2 … After being charged from behind … all three dogs were engaged in the fight. Simon & the Boxer were both fighting & biting, Simon won. Don’t blame him for winning.
He did not start the fight, he finished it.
BTW #3 … I am deeply touched by the lack of empathy over what I’ve had to endure due to the careless or intentional maliciousness of the Pajama Man.
BTW #4 … On a scale 1-10 the level of pain I feel all over is a 10. The pinched nerve in my neck is killing me, the compressed disks in my back and other spinal issues I have are at best inflamed, my shoulder is killing me, my right knee was injured, as well as cuts and scrapes on my knuckles and arm. I had sprained both wrists on the fall and I think I may have a “green” fracture in my left arm. Can’t afford the time or money to get myself to a hospital. I feel like I got hit by a bus.
BTW #5 … The real “victim” has to go without a vet or doctor, suffer through the pain, all while being blamed and called a liar by someone who wasn’t even there.
(Pajama Man’s boyfriend) all while half truths are being told with HUGE omissions in the story … threats of violence against me ignored, clearly a lease violation …
and nothing happens to the aggressor … again… false reports and false claims … lies by omission. a HUGE gap in their story, the beginning.
BTW #6 … Do you really think Pajama Man is a stand up guy that would take responsibility for charging up behind me after being warned numerous times. He omitted huge information intentionally to divert any responsibility … now that you know this … is any of his statement reliable? Withholding information, does that not imply guilt?
Paying his vet bill while not at fault, was a consideration, Sunday, even splitting it while not at fault, ended Monday morning when he threatened me with violence while I was on the Phone with Animal Control, he was so threatening that they patched me through to the Police. He followed me into your office where I was trying to deescalate the situation. With Zero help I might add. So paying his vet bill, while not at fault, that is off the table as of today.
My preferred resolution: We both learn from our mistakes and pay our own costs to get back “whole” if not I am prepared to go to civil court.
I am truly sorry his dog got hurt. So did Simon and So Did I.
Patiently awaiting your decision to or not to evict Simon & I, due to the carelessness, wreak less or intentional maliciousness of the Pajama Man.
San Antonio City Code of Ordinances
Unprovoked animal attack means an offensive attack by an animal that excludes circumstances in which immediately prior to the attack, and while properly confined and restrained. The animal was taunted, teased or abused or otherwise assaulted by a person(s) or another animal-
The City Code does not reference length but that you must have contol over your dogs at all times. Charging up behind someone with the leashes fully extended and unable to retract the leashes, and losing one of their two dogs, the Chiwawa completely running loose with the yoyo retractable leash and no human on the other end …
While waiting for the eviction trial date Officer BoTch (Boch) refused to warn or cite the drama queens for stalking me with their dogs and baseball bats, trying to create even more drama. They both harassed me without consequences for 30 days. I even made the effort to file a complaint at the substation in which Officer BoTch turned the story around as if I was the aggressor. I informed him I was going to have to “Open Carry” because of his refusal to do his job. I was in fear for my safety as well as theirs. The drama queens never saw my Ruger .380 but they really pushed their luck by charging at me with a baseball bat and their dogs … I could have filed for an appeal but the situation was escalating and the best thing I could do, was to leave.